
Menampilkan postingan dari Mei, 2018


  ABOUT MOVITOKEN     MoviToken (MOVI) is a project managed by Southern Meridian, LLC.  MoviToken is an ​ERC20 + VERIFIED​ community cryptocurrency for the global  independent film community.      MoviToken is registered in the ​Parity​ Registry  under their 3-letter acronym (or TLA) “MOV”.    The MoviToken project was created by 13 year film veteran Christopher  Compton, who’s recent feature film ​Strait & Narrow​ is currently being released  globally on DVD and VOD.     MoviToken is a producer of films and filmmakers that can be used to produce more competitive productions, ie filmmakers can pay cinematographers to carry all of their camera gear for widescreen movies, storing heaps of cash for other production needs. Instead of complaining about never selling scenarios, authors can negotiate payouts in MoviToken. The writer can then turn around and produce his own movie with his MoviToken ownership. Actually cash has always been a limited resource for


What is UHIVE’s mission? Aiming to transform social networking into an entire different thing by combining human physchology and technological capabilities from Blockchain and artificial inteligence.  UHIVE  is capable of delivering a natural yet unique and incredibly entertaining experiences. The platform’s commitment to enhance individual interactios within groups, societies and dyads is done can be seen from its concrete move. UHIVE is set to pave the way by developing the world’s first social platform equipped with physical dimensions. Tirelessly pushing themselves toward social networking’s new edge, UHIVE will not only provide users with common interaction options. The platform will not only be equipped with comments or media sharing capabilities, but also the unique opportunity to walk through unique yet infinite spaces. Unlike many social networking platform nowadays, UHIVE does not limit its users from searching for relevant words, hashtags or keywor


What is BitFence? BitFence comes to offer a solution to the problem of "Hacking" or more known as "Hacker". BitFence can deflect, detect, and counter hack attempts. BitFence provides returns to companies rather than hackers.  BitFence can provide protection against what is known as a "zero day" attack. This type of attack is where a hacker takes advantage of an unknown exploit. This kind of attack can be very difficult to detect traditionally. Once the hack is found, patches or fixes can be applied, but it often takes months to find it. In addition to providing protection against zero day attacks, BitFence will provide incentives to people who are running honeypots for BitFence. Honeypot is designed to attract hackers, Then, when hackers are on the honeypot, BitFence can capture and analyze details about each hacker using sophisticated artificial intelligence software. StingMiners Different Flavors, getting r


Export.Online is out to tackle the current issues and troubles of exporters related with the begin and lead of exercises in worldwide exchange. In late decades, there have been significant changes in the structure of world exports of merchandise, because of changes in the creation base and the utilization framework. These progressions couldn't however prompt changes in the scope of imported and exported products. The cutting edge world economy enables additionally creating nations to speak to their items in world markets. In the 60-70s years of the most recent century, the worldwide export of completed items was incredibly expanded. Such a jump is because of the fortified capacities of the business. In the structure of world exports of merchandise, handled items were significantly more common. Along these lines, in the product structure of exports of creating nations since 1988, the assembling business has been consistently driving. Just African nations are avoid


    THE MOST POWERFUL DECENTRALIZED PROCESSING PLATFORM driven by an unprecedented algorithm We wanted to make something unusual:   the fastest, low-cost, and most secure decentralized method of payment processing for the $60BN, 2BN-user mobile game market The BGX mission is to built the most functional payment processing platform on top of a powerful algorithm, in order to add efficiency to the multi-billion mobile industry Solutions BGX is a comprehensive solution that supports mobile game features and combines the capabilities of blockchain technology with advanced AI neural networks. Game developers and app markets get built-in support for their games, access to different monetization models, distribution to millions of players, and fees of less than 10%. Players get a chance to earn on the platform and exchange their tokens both between games and into real money. The platform is open-sourced, protected from crypto-volatility, has the speed and capacity fa